Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Phoenix Retirement Planning Advisors Advice to ME...

          When I was a little girl I never had to worry about where the money came from that was used in buying me new shoes or dresses or even an ice cream cone.  As I got older and had always loved children it was easy for me to transition to babysitting other people’s children to earn money for ice cream cones.  When the amount of money earned from babysitting was not enough to buy the brand of clothing I wanted it became imperative to get a “real job”.  Oh having lot of money was so fun.   I was truly in heaven.  All the money I wanted without having to ask for it.  Then it was on to college, a degree and into the real world… of working for the rest of my life.   Now with so many years of hard diligent work behind me I can look back and give some good advice to those just starting out.  
                It doesn't take very long for the years to just sneak past you.  Many of us think that we have all the time in the world.  At least that is what I thought, and then all of a sudden it is time to think about retiring.  After all my kids were in school I decided to go back to work.  I wanted a job that was flexible enough to allow me to get off for the times when my children had programs, sport meets or whatever they had going.  The job I got was perfect for this.  It had all the flexibility I wanted.  Not once did I ever think about other aspects of having a job.   Then that business pulled out and it was time to look for another job as I had gotten used to having my own money to spend.  The next job offered insurance and a 401 plan.  Wow, I hadn't even thought about something like that.  Money in the bank to spare, what a novel idea that was.   All of a sudden the years to retirement were edged ever closer.   As my co-workers were beginning to retire and talk about all the things they would be doing in their “Golden Years” it made me stop and wonder just how my ‘Golden Years’ would be played out.   As I now realized I hadn't been saving for retirement very long and didn't really have much money saved in the bank.  I started asking around about how to make my “nest egg” grow faster.    A good friend told me about Phoenix Retirement Planning Advisors.  Immediately I got in touch with them for some investment strategy. 

                I didn't know even where to start but with the help of these advisors they customized a plan for me with some expert financial advice as to how I am going to be able to enjoy my retirement years.  One piece of “advice” I would give to anyone entering the work force now is to start saving from that first paycheck.  I know you may think you know it all but believe me time goes way too fast.  It is never too early to being planning for your retirement.  If you don’t know where to start you should check out the advisors at http://www.swretire.com/personal-finance

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