Tuesday, August 6, 2013

a Celebrity Dress of my own.....

From the time I was a little girl I couldn't get enough magazines showing all the beautiful dresses that the famous celebrities wore.   I had an older sister and so whenever there was a formal dance at her high school from the time she stepped out of the shower until the time her date would come by and pick her up I would be right behind her.  I think she really like having me there and didn't think I was a pest.  She would always answer questions and I am sure there were many about what type of material was in her dress to just how she felt wearing such a beautiful dress.  I remember once when the formal dress she wore had a big skirt that when she twirled around it looked just like a beautiful merry-go-round with all the beautiful painted horses.
 Then came the time she got married and I know money was tight and so for me to be in the wedding party my mother had to cut down one of her formal dresses to be made into a dress for me.  Now some might think this would not be a fair thing or even something that I would be happy about but it was like a dream come true for me to have one a dress made just like the ones I had seen my sister wear.  As I grew I still could not obtain too many magazines with pictures of the beautiful people in their beautiful clothing.  As I approached the time when I would be needing formal wear the people who were wearing these Celebrity Dresses became the ones I now would associate with great movie roles.  These people and their clothing took on a different meaning than just having beautiful clothes.   Their personalities and the way they presented themselves completed the overall look.  A formal dress could have all the qualities of a top designer’s idea but if the wearer was rude or out of sync with the people the dress would not have the drawing power of one worn by a nice truly kind celebrity would have for me.
 As senior prom approached I spent hours and hours going through all the magazines to find the perfect formal gown.  There were long dresses, short dresses, strapless dresses and even some dresses with sleeves.  Dresses that have sleeves now days are a novelty.  But my hard work paid off as I found the perfect dresses that are until I checked out the price tag.  So now my searching took me in a different direction.  A direction of finding my “perfect” dress at a price I could afford.  Once again my hard work at research produced a site that had the dress that looked just like the one in the magazine.  It was beautiful and I was in heaven.

 When it arrived it could not have fit more perfect than if it had been made just for me.  Let my hard work and diligence be a benefit to you and check out dresses at http://www.fiestaformals.com/all-dresses/by-length/evening-gowns.htmlThere will only be one problem…the problem of choosing just one!   

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