Friday, May 31, 2013

Dad and his "Walking Stick"

               I don’t know which is worse seeing your kids growing up so fast or seeing your parents grow old too soon.   I guess I really didn’t notice my children getting bigger each day and maybe that was because I was with them 24/7 and they just kind of “grew” on me.  But with parents it is different as I do not get to see them very much.  Having them in a separate place than the one I live makes seeing changes all that more noticeable.    So when the last time we were all together as a family I couldn’t help but notice that my dad was having trouble walking.   This can be quite a shock to a person who has always looked up to their “daddy” as someone who is strong and invincible.  Someone I looked up to in more ways than one.  My father was the tallest person I knew when I was little.  When did the time arrive that I started looking
down at him?   To watch my father grab on to the back of chairs and moving from object to object while going around the house brought me to the realization that I needed to find a solution.  
                As my father has always been a very proud man.  Not proud in a prideful way but proud that he could accomplish just about anything he set his mind to do.   To me is seemed that my dad never slept as I would see him up  and doing things from the first moment I would wake up in the morning and he was always doing or finishing something each night I went to bed.   
             So I started my search for something to help him.  I knew that a wheel chair would not be anything that he would agree too, at least not at this particular time in his life.   When I got online I found a great place that offered walking canes for men.  When you have someone who was always very independent you will find that there are certain things they insist on having.   So the time had come when I had to sit my father down and explained just how worried I  was about him falling.   To help make the point I had to do something that will work on almost all parents. This is when you put a “guilt” trip on them about how bad it would be if they did become injured and you would be forced to put
your life on hold just to be able to take care of them.  That worked.  So dad and I sat down at the computer and went to the site I had found at
Wouldn’t you know that when looking at all the canes this site had my father found just the one he liked.   Now my brothers and sister and I do not have to worry.  Well we don’t have to worry about that part in my dad’s life.  He loves the cane and has even commented on how “debonair” he is when taking his walks around the block.  I am so glad there  are helps for aging parents. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Loving my iPhone Bluetooth Keyboard Case

From the very first time I received my very own personal phone my husband has tried everything he could to protect my phone.   I remember one time when we were out in the back yard having a bbq with friends that I had placed my phone across the top of my glass of water thinking it was in a safe place and would not get “stepped” on.  Well it did not get stepped on but a little child ran by and bumped the table and “plop” down in the glass of water it went.   Hurriedly I pulled it out and took it all apart hoping to keep the water from seeping all the way into the inner parts.    You would think that my reaction was so swift and quick that the water would not have had time to get in side of the phone.  Hence we ended up having to buy another phone. 
  That was the time that the cell phones were almost as big as bricks.  The phones then got slimmer and slimmer making it really easy for me to no realize that they were in my hand or in my lap and if I moved or stood up the phone would drop to the floor.  Sometimes the phone would be ok but other times when I would pick it up the screen would be cracked.  Sometimes just a little cracked but if I had dropped it on the cement the whole screen would be shattered.  If you have ever had a cell phone you know the mishaps that can happen with even the most careful person.
  When cell phones started getting smaller there was even more things that could go wrong in damaging a phone.  I cannot tell you how many times I lost my phone.  Who in their right mind would make something so small that it could get lost in between the car seats?  And if your cell phone went dead there was no way of retrieving it which was another way to get a new phone.  With them becoming smaller and slimmer it became so convenient to slip it into your back pocket.  Yes once it even fell into the toilet.   Then along came the iPhone.  I really liked this one.  I could get on and surf the net while at a boring meeting.   Pinterest became my best friend and so many times I could quiet even the roundest child with a simple online game.  Since I have long nails typing something into my phone could be a problem.   Knowing how hard I am on my cell phones my husband surprised me one evening with an iPhone Bluetooth keyboard case.     This keyboard and case has been the perfect answer for me.   He knows me so well and picked out my favorite color.   I love the color because it is one that stands out and is hard not to see.

  If you are like me and hard on your cell phones you will probably want to check out getting a keyboard case at

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Challenging and Rewarding Career being a Physician's Scribe

Going to the doctor used to take hours and hours.  I would go in and sign the “sign in” log and look around for a seat.    I have tried getting an appointment early in the morning, but by the time I think about calling or have the need for an appointment most of the morning time slots are already filled.   So are the time slots for right after lunch.  I guess everyone is like me and they have come to know that if you are one of the first appointments you can in and out of your appointment faster.   So as it happens I usually get an appointment in the middle of the morning or in the middle of the afternoon.  Therefore the time I spend waiting to see the doctor is always longer than I had planned for or want it to be..   I go to a family doctor and so the people who are there to see him are mostly families.  Being in a state where it is the norm to have lots of children there always is little or NO room to spare in the waiting room.   May times I have had to stand against a wall to keep from being run over by the children or the toys they are playing with.  And noisy, oh yes that is an understatement.   I had thought about changing doctors but I really like my doctor.  He is the one who delivered me and so all my records and information are with him and his office.   However the last time I went to his office as I walked into his waiting room I noticed that there were not as many children or people waiting to see him.  I actually got a seat.  It was just a few minutes until my name was called to go back into an examination room.  When I questioned the nurse about why there were so few people there that day she told me things were moving at a more efficient pace in their office as the doctor had hired a physicians’ scribe to help him.  What was a “physicians’ scribe” I asked.  I was informed that it was someone who would shadow the doctor from room to room while he was attending to his patients.   This scribe would take down all the information pertaining to the symptoms or complaints of that particular person.  Therefore the doctor could take more time caring for the person and not have to continually stop and write thing down.   The office was finding now that because of this scribe things had been moving a lot more efficient in getting patients in and out of the examination rooms and that they were being able to see more patients in less time. When the doctor came in sure enough the scribe was right behind him.   My doctor set right to work in finding out just why I happened to be seeing him that day and I was through in no time.   If your doctor’s office is always crowded and you wait a long time to see your doctor you might want to tell them about hiring someone with training from

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

All That A Pediatrician & Pediatrician Scribe Can Do For You

If you are a mother of small children you know just how important a good pediatrician is.  The right pediatrician will do everything they can to help your small child, and will know the best way to help them.  Many children get scared to go to the doctor, because of this it’s so very important to find a pediatrician who specializes in making your child’s trip to the doctor as pleasant as possible.

My daughter recently stuck a Q-Tip in her small little ear and punctured her ear drum.  We rushed her to our pediatrician who told us her ear had been punctured and would then need surgery.  I watched as the doctor worked so great with my little girl.  He explained to her what they would do at the hospital, and made it so she was calm and not scared about it at all.  We truly love our pediatrician, and I feel the reason he is so great is because he takes the steps necessary to care for each child.  If you are looking for a good pediatrician there are a few important things you must watch out for when you are shopping around.

Does Your Pediatrician Have A Pediatrician Scribe?

At our doctor’s office they have a pediatrician scribe who helps document everything about our visit there.  It’s so great, because every time we visit our doctor he knows exactly what our child is scared of, what makes them happy, and what kinds of things they are allergic to.  Without the detailed documentation our doctor would have a hard time remembering those things each and every time he sees us.  When you are picking out a doctor you want to make sure that they have a great scribe in their office to help document everything about your visit.

How Great Is The Pediatrician With Children?

When searching for the right doctor for your small child it is so important not to just pick anyone.  Ask around; see who other parents are going to.  Are they good with kids?  Even if a doctor is a good doctor, they might not be good with kids, or don’t know how to treat them.  This is why it’s so important to make sure you find a pediatrician who knows the best way to take care of small children.

When all is said and done, the very most important thing is your child’s wellbeing.  Make sure when you pick a pediatrician that you are picking one who is not only great with kids, but a good doctor, and one who has a pediatrician scribe to document your visits.  By choosing these few things you will be doing your part to make sure your child’s visit to the doctor is the very best it can be.

To check out more about Pediatrician Scribes go to

Thursday, May 16, 2013

All That You Can Do With Computers, PDF Files & More

Have you ever thought about all the amazing things you can do with a computer?  Technology now days are simply amazing.  Just the other day we installed security cameras in our home that connected to our computer that you can view while you are away.  You can stream videos and other types of media while traveling on the road from a computer, and there is so much amazing software for computers out there that it’s a wonder how we ever lived without one.

At my work we use the computer every single day.  From the minute I get in the office, I have to clock in on a computer, and then I sit down at my computer and spend the entire day there.  Once I get home from work at night I will usually turn on my computer and do some shopping or browsing through social media.  It’s amazing to me how much I rely on a computer each and every day of my life, and it’s definitely something that I cannot live without.

Since the computer is such a popular thing in the world today, more and more people are coming up with great ideas for new inventions for the computer as well as new software.  One software I recently came across that was pretty amazing was a PDF reader.  With this software you could easily view and organize all of your PDF files, making life so much easier.  It’s amazing to me how much we totally take for granite.  This PDF software that I now use every day in my office is something I simply just use, I don’t ever take a minute to stop and think about how lucky I am to have all this software and technology so readily available to use at any moment.

If you are a computer guru, you really should take a minute to stop and think about all the amazing things we have in the world today.  Whether it’s a PDF viewer for your computer, a security camera for your home or even the internet which makes it possible to easily communicate with clients and friends, there are so many wonderful things out there for everyone with the simple snap of a finger.  Stop taking life for granite, and start counting your blessing and realizing just how much you have.  I promise if you do this you will be a much happier person, and will enjoy everything technology has to offer.

To check out one of my favorite PDF Software's go to

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What Would We Ever Do Without Our PDF Readers & Copy Machines

Technology and software has come a long ways over the years.  I remember as a young child playing on the old apple computers at school.  They were so old that you could play a few learning games on them and that was it.  I then remember when the internet became more popular and actually launched.  I was very young and didn’t fully understand what it even was.  Now today I couldn’t imagine life without the internet, or any of the latest and greatest technology we have nowadays.  How did we ever live without it?

Today I am much older, I work in a very successful office, and I’m always on my toes when it comes to technology.  It’s amazing to me all the things we utilize at work that we don’t even put a second thought into.  Whether it’s my Fox It PDF IFilter, my copy machine, my VOIP phone, or our surveillance cameras, everything we use in the office is something people even 30 years ago couldn’t even dream about.  I’m so grateful I live during a time when technology is rapidly growing and changing all the time.  I don’t think I ever would have made it during the olden days when none of this was available to us.

As I looked around my office today and discovered many great and amazing things, I came up with a list of some things at work that I definitely could not live without.

Fox It PDF IFilter-Server

I use this pdf software for everything on my computer! It’s such a great way to organize all my pdf files that I use on a daily basis, and I love how fast and easy it is to use, and I couldn’t imagine my daily job without this software.

Printer/Copy Machine/Fax Machine

Could you imagine what an office would be like without any of these 3 items?  It would be awful.  We take advantage of the fact that we can fax paperwork to Japan at a moments notice, or even print information from our computer at the simple click of a button.  What would we ever do without these luxuries?


In my office, the majority of people are on their phones 60 percent of the day.  They pick up the phone without putting much thought into it, but years ago, how would an office run without a proper telephone system?  Today we not only have telephones, but many different kinds of telephones and telephone providers as well.

Life today is pretty good.  Just when you think you have it rough, all you need to do is look around at all your surroundings to realize just how good you have it.

To check out some of my favorite office supplies go to