Friday, May 31, 2013

Dad and his "Walking Stick"

               I don’t know which is worse seeing your kids growing up so fast or seeing your parents grow old too soon.   I guess I really didn’t notice my children getting bigger each day and maybe that was because I was with them 24/7 and they just kind of “grew” on me.  But with parents it is different as I do not get to see them very much.  Having them in a separate place than the one I live makes seeing changes all that more noticeable.    So when the last time we were all together as a family I couldn’t help but notice that my dad was having trouble walking.   This can be quite a shock to a person who has always looked up to their “daddy” as someone who is strong and invincible.  Someone I looked up to in more ways than one.  My father was the tallest person I knew when I was little.  When did the time arrive that I started looking
down at him?   To watch my father grab on to the back of chairs and moving from object to object while going around the house brought me to the realization that I needed to find a solution.  
                As my father has always been a very proud man.  Not proud in a prideful way but proud that he could accomplish just about anything he set his mind to do.   To me is seemed that my dad never slept as I would see him up  and doing things from the first moment I would wake up in the morning and he was always doing or finishing something each night I went to bed.   
             So I started my search for something to help him.  I knew that a wheel chair would not be anything that he would agree too, at least not at this particular time in his life.   When I got online I found a great place that offered walking canes for men.  When you have someone who was always very independent you will find that there are certain things they insist on having.   So the time had come when I had to sit my father down and explained just how worried I  was about him falling.   To help make the point I had to do something that will work on almost all parents. This is when you put a “guilt” trip on them about how bad it would be if they did become injured and you would be forced to put
your life on hold just to be able to take care of them.  That worked.  So dad and I sat down at the computer and went to the site I had found at
Wouldn’t you know that when looking at all the canes this site had my father found just the one he liked.   Now my brothers and sister and I do not have to worry.  Well we don’t have to worry about that part in my dad’s life.  He loves the cane and has even commented on how “debonair” he is when taking his walks around the block.  I am so glad there  are helps for aging parents. 

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