Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What Would We Ever Do Without Our PDF Readers & Copy Machines

Technology and software has come a long ways over the years.  I remember as a young child playing on the old apple computers at school.  They were so old that you could play a few learning games on them and that was it.  I then remember when the internet became more popular and actually launched.  I was very young and didn’t fully understand what it even was.  Now today I couldn’t imagine life without the internet, or any of the latest and greatest technology we have nowadays.  How did we ever live without it?

Today I am much older, I work in a very successful office, and I’m always on my toes when it comes to technology.  It’s amazing to me all the things we utilize at work that we don’t even put a second thought into.  Whether it’s my Fox It PDF IFilter, my copy machine, my VOIP phone, or our surveillance cameras, everything we use in the office is something people even 30 years ago couldn’t even dream about.  I’m so grateful I live during a time when technology is rapidly growing and changing all the time.  I don’t think I ever would have made it during the olden days when none of this was available to us.

As I looked around my office today and discovered many great and amazing things, I came up with a list of some things at work that I definitely could not live without.

Fox It PDF IFilter-Server

I use this pdf software for everything on my computer! It’s such a great way to organize all my pdf files that I use on a daily basis, and I love how fast and easy it is to use, and I couldn’t imagine my daily job without this software.

Printer/Copy Machine/Fax Machine

Could you imagine what an office would be like without any of these 3 items?  It would be awful.  We take advantage of the fact that we can fax paperwork to Japan at a moments notice, or even print information from our computer at the simple click of a button.  What would we ever do without these luxuries?


In my office, the majority of people are on their phones 60 percent of the day.  They pick up the phone without putting much thought into it, but years ago, how would an office run without a proper telephone system?  Today we not only have telephones, but many different kinds of telephones and telephone providers as well.

Life today is pretty good.  Just when you think you have it rough, all you need to do is look around at all your surroundings to realize just how good you have it.

To check out some of my favorite office supplies go to

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