Tuesday, May 21, 2013

All That A Pediatrician & Pediatrician Scribe Can Do For You

If you are a mother of small children you know just how important a good pediatrician is.  The right pediatrician will do everything they can to help your small child, and will know the best way to help them.  Many children get scared to go to the doctor, because of this it’s so very important to find a pediatrician who specializes in making your child’s trip to the doctor as pleasant as possible.

My daughter recently stuck a Q-Tip in her small little ear and punctured her ear drum.  We rushed her to our pediatrician who told us her ear had been punctured and would then need surgery.  I watched as the doctor worked so great with my little girl.  He explained to her what they would do at the hospital, and made it so she was calm and not scared about it at all.  We truly love our pediatrician, and I feel the reason he is so great is because he takes the steps necessary to care for each child.  If you are looking for a good pediatrician there are a few important things you must watch out for when you are shopping around.

Does Your Pediatrician Have A Pediatrician Scribe?

At our doctor’s office they have a pediatrician scribe who helps document everything about our visit there.  It’s so great, because every time we visit our doctor he knows exactly what our child is scared of, what makes them happy, and what kinds of things they are allergic to.  Without the detailed documentation our doctor would have a hard time remembering those things each and every time he sees us.  When you are picking out a doctor you want to make sure that they have a great scribe in their office to help document everything about your visit.

How Great Is The Pediatrician With Children?

When searching for the right doctor for your small child it is so important not to just pick anyone.  Ask around; see who other parents are going to.  Are they good with kids?  Even if a doctor is a good doctor, they might not be good with kids, or don’t know how to treat them.  This is why it’s so important to make sure you find a pediatrician who knows the best way to take care of small children.

When all is said and done, the very most important thing is your child’s wellbeing.  Make sure when you pick a pediatrician that you are picking one who is not only great with kids, but a good doctor, and one who has a pediatrician scribe to document your visits.  By choosing these few things you will be doing your part to make sure your child’s visit to the doctor is the very best it can be.

To check out more about Pediatrician Scribes go to  http://www.scribeamerica.com/outpatient_benefits.html

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