Thursday, June 13, 2013

Choosing the best Optometrist Roseville for my eye exams

             I have raised eight children but I do not remember taking all of them combined to any doctor as much as I have taken my parents.   We were the kind of family that would just get the over the counter things to treat any illness or injury that came along.     I do have to admit we were in the emergency room three times.   I know that doesn't seem normal as I used to volunteer in the ER and saw how many people come back to the ER again and again.  We had the normal checkups for school and sports but that was about all.   I soon found out that when a person gets older their body truly does begin to wear out.   It was not that I ever did not want to take my parents to any doctor but that I was just more aware of how many times and how many hours were spent in the waiting rooms of doctors.   I must say I did get a lot of reading accomplished with all the waiting room hours.  But the best hours were spent in just talking to my parents about people and events in their lives. 
 One time my mother had to go to get her eyes examined.  I thought it would be just a routine checkup and possibly some new glasses.   When my mother didn't come right out and the doctor came out to get me I did then suspect that something more than the normal things in an exam was discovered.    As it turned out the doctor did see something more going on with her eyes.   The OptometristRoseville found that my mother had the beginnings of Glaucoma.   As I told you there were precious times I had been able to just sit and talk to my mother and remembered her telling me things about her mother.   I remember my grandmother being diagnosed “legally blind” but I did not really know if it was just from her age, as my grandmother lived to be 96, or if it was caused by something going wrong with her eyes.   As it turns out the loss of my grandmothers sight had been from advanced glaucoma.   As she was a proud woman and in her time there was not the technology or information of how to catch this early it was too advanced to cure.   My grandmother never wore glasses and so I am not really sure she had the yearly eye exams she needed either.   
As my mother’s problem was caught early by the optometrist he was able to treat and take good care of my mother’s eyes with medication.   My dad was so good at keeping track of all the things that needed to be done each and every day with the two of them.   I remember picking up a notebook at their house with entries each day of what was taken or done for that day.

You can be sure that now I have a yearly eye exam.  If you want my recommendation for a great optometrist you should check the doctor at

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