Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Life is easier with a printable grocery list maker

                   Where is a pen I yelled.   How many times have you heard yourself asking that question? And then where is a piece of paper to write on?  You start turning over all the many things on your table or desk to find just a scrap of paper.   As it becomes an un-daunting task you just give up thinking you will remember  what you were going to write down when you get to the store.    You go to the store get the things you thought you needed and return home.   Dinner time comes and the one thing you needed for that new recipe is the item you were going to write down but couldn't find something to write with or write on.   Or then there is the time you find a pen but the only thing there is to write on is an envelope that is only junk mail so you turn it over and you start making your list.
                    The time comes to go to the store and you go to the table to find your list.  Wouldn't you know it someone for once has thought to clean off the table and your junk mail envelope is gone.   You don’t have time to remake the shopping list so you either just jot down what you think you wrote on the first list or you hurry out the door to the store hoping you will remember what exactly was on your list.   If you ever would have peeked in my kitchen window you probably would have seen a scenario like this.   My children are always asking me what I want or what they can get me for either Mother’s Day or my birthday.  Granted I am no the easiest person to buy for.  This is because I am at a stage in my life where money is not as tight as it was when I was raising children. When I see something I want or something that interests me I usually buy it.  So when one of my children gave me a Printable Grocery List generator I was curious.   How was it that I had not seen this before? 
                 It was easy and ready to use right out of the box.   I could hang it on the wall or on my fridge.   All I had to do was push the button and record what it was I needed to get.   No more tearing my house apart just to find a writing instrument or scrounging the junk mail for something to write on.   When it came time to go to the store I would simply go over to the list maker, push and print a grocery list.  Easy as pie the list would be printed for me.  I would just take that list and go shopping.   What if there was something I wanted but the word was not in the list maker?   Well it has 2500 grocery items capability so I have yet to find any word it didn’t have.  It also has the advantage to add custom items.  My life is so much less stressful when shopping. 

If you are looking to distress the shopping part of your life you should really check one of these out at

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